
openminds intern alexa testimonial

Before I started this internship I knew very little about digital analysis, so throughout this internship, I’ve been given the opportunity to work on various projects, in the beginning, I couldn’t even make sense of all the confusing metrics and the marketing jargon, everything is very new to me, but fortunately, all the team members […]

Wan Nie

openminds intern wan nie testimonial

If there’s one phrase that I would like to use to describe my internship journey in OpenMinds, it would be “GROWTH.” The first day I joined OM, Jan told me that my growth is determined by how active I am, so don’t hold back. I was encouraged by Jan’s word, and I went all-in during […]

En Thong

openminds intern en thong testimonial

If there’s one phrase that I would like to use to describe my internship journey in OpenMinds, it would be “GROWTH.” The first day I joined OM, Jan told me that my growth is determined by how active I am, so don’t hold back. I was encouraged by Jan’s word, and I went all-in during […]