Wan Chia Sing

openminds intern wan chia sing

OpenMinds™ Resources is a growing company, which is great for interns because there are constantly opportunities to try something new. For instance, we were given the chance to follow a photographer to a photoshoot for a client that opened our eyes to view things from a different perspective. We would describe the whole process in […]

Chang Te Sheng

openminds intern chang te sheng

As a generation that spends most of our time online, we thought we had it in the bag when we first joined OpenMinds™ Resources as interns. How mistaken were we as we realized our knowledge and understanding of how to utilize social media for clients’ marketing efforts was limited. OpenMinds™ Resources promotes creativity and excellence. […]

Oscar Fageruud

openminds intern oscar fagerudd

My experience in OpenMinds was great! I worked with the Social Media team and learned so much, made new friends and had fun. The great thing was that I got to work on the same projects as other team members despite being an intern and I had just right amount of challenges. Various tasks from […]

Janne Saarinen

openminds intern janne saarinen

Choosing OpenMinds for my internship period was definitely a good choice. The working environment and the people I worked with are something that I’ll miss in the future. I felt like being a part of a family from the day one and we truly had fun and memorable moments during the three months I spent […]

Aleksi Kaivos

openminds intern aleksi kaivos

My internship at OpenMinds was a great experience and a success for me! The atmosphere at OpenMinds encouraged me to learn lots of new things and to gain abilities that I already know I will be using in my future career. The most valuable skills I obtained during my internship period was to better understand […]

Cheryl Kam

openminds intern cheryl kam

I’m really glad I came into OpenMinds™ as an intern and I can honestly say that this workplace is the best place to work. I really enjoyed my time here as the people makes it easy, comfortable, and not just all about work. I love how OpenMinds™ has made me feel like I’m a part […]

Timothy Low

openminds intern timothy

My experience in OpenMinds™ was amazing. I did not expect my internship experience to turn out this way. The people in OpenMinds™ were very friendly and helpful at time of need. The environment of the working space is different and helped me to generate more creative ideas in my work. Working there expanded my knowledge […]

Arthur Saget

openminds intern arthur

While the highlight of my internship was to develop a marketing programme for an upcoming mobile app, I have to say the internship as a whole was enriching and increased my certainty as to what I’m heading to. My stay at OpenMinds was really something new and refreshing in both the way the company operates […]

Chelsea Onn

openminds digital marketing intern chelsea onn

Working with the three main teams at OpenMinds really broadened my view on how a social setting exists within a startup. It was an amazing experience and what a way to start my working journey! The short time I spent at OpenMinds has truly been an impactful experience. From table arrangements to content strategies, the team […]

Savitha Ravindran

openminds digital marketing intern savitha

OpenMinds really opened my mind. (haha) In all honesty, it was a fantastic experience to be a part of the team, and as my first working experience, there were many new things that I have learnt during my 3 months internship. The teammates were friendly, the environment was conducive, and I could constantly churn ideas into […]