
Here at OpenMinds, we strive to achieve more than the ordinary. We pride ourselves in being consultants – always ready to dream bigger, think deeper & achieve greater!

We’re open, bold & curious.

We were and will never be built to function as an agency, or just another digital marketing or development company.

Our goal is to be the leading marketing technology company by building an ecosystem of startups with impeccable synergy among the companies under the OpenMinds® brand; to create and environment where we can do the things we love, benefit and thrive in.

About Working Here

We are looking for visionaries and creative individuals to join our growing team. Let’s work towards something big together!

Flexible Hours & Locations

That’s how we work at OpenMinds®. Everyone is only required to be at office thrice a week.

Out-of-Office Days

Whether you decide to work from home, to have meetings with your team members at Starbucks or to arrange client meetings, the choice is yours.

In-Office Meetings

During your time in the office, you will very likely be involved in various discussions, brainstorming sessions and strategic meetings.

Hassle-free Clinic Visits

Partnering with GetDoc, you can simply waltz in to any panel clinics, show your identification card (IC) and tell them that you’re a HealthMetrics member.

Open Space

You're never restricted to your desk! Feel free to move about, ask questions, clarify thoughts, seek advice, join discussions, facilitate discussions, present ideas, participate in other projects, head new projects or maybe just to chat.

Re:Source Friday

Weekly session dedicated by the entire team to gather as one; to share thoughts, ideas, knowledge and experiences with one another regardless of education background, certifications, work experiences, awards and status of any kind.

The OpenMinds® internship experience

Make the next 12 weeks your best yet. See what our past interns have had to say and if you’re game

Being accepted to join OpenMinds™ as an intern has been one of the most amazing experience. My internship experience in OpenMinds™ as a social media intern has been very enjoyable and I have definitely enjoyed working in a stress-free working environment with everyone else. One of the reasons as to why I managed to settle in so quickly was because the people here at OpenMinds™ were really friendly and helpful which helped me build friendships as well.

During my two months’ internship here at OpenMinds™, I have gained a lot of hands-on experiences & learned essential skills and knowledge that I need to help me excel in my career of choice in the future. I was also lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to work with such an amazing team that gave me endless guidance & support in the things that I’ve done despite the challenges I may have had to go through. Thank you, OpenMinds™ for giving me such an amazing opportunity!

openminds digital marketing intern camen loh
Camen Loh
Digital Team Intern

OpenMinds really opened my mind. (haha) In all honesty, it was a fantastic experience to be a part of the team, and as my first working experience, there were many new things that I have learnt during my 3 months internship. The teammates were friendly, the environment was conducive, and I could constantly churn ideas into actions. It was really incredible to be able to write a blog posting featured on OpenMind’s website, and to complete the many roles as a social media intern.

openminds digital marketing intern savitha
Savitha Ravindran
Digital Team Intern

Working with the three main teams at OpenMinds really broadened my view on how a social setting exists within a startup. It was an amazing experience and what a way to start my working journey!

The short time I spent at OpenMinds has truly been an impactful experience. From table arrangements to content strategies, the team at OpenMinds constantly strives to exceed expectations defying mind-numbing norms. Throughout the 3 months that I have been interning at this startup, I have been given the space to express, the permission to fail and the guidance to learn. The team here at OpenMinds has thrown me deep into places that are out of my comfort zone, and while it was challenging to tread open waters, it has only made me a better swimmer. Of all the valuable trade secrets I’ve learned, I realised that the best strategy is to always invest in people. So thank you, OpenMinds, for the open pantry and (sometimes) free coffee. Cheers!’

openminds digital marketing intern chelsea onn
Chelsea Onn
Digital Team Intern

I’m really glad I came into OpenMinds™ as an intern and I can honestly say that this workplace is the best place to work. I really enjoyed my time here as the people makes it easy, comfortable, and not just all about work. I love how OpenMinds™ has made me feel like I’m a part of them even though I’m just an intern. Listening to them during discussions in meetings and RE:Source Fridays have taught me so much.

My experience here was definitely amazing, something I truly cherish. Coming from zero knowledge of graphic design and social media, I’ve grown so much throughout these few months and not only I’ve explored in this industry, I’ve also build friendships and learnt so much from each and every one in OpenMinds™. Thank you, OpenMinds™ for being so friendly, welcoming and amazing to me!

openminds intern cheryl kam
Cheryl Kam
Creative Team Intern

Till today, I am still feeling grateful for the internship opportunity at OpenMinds. If I were to use 3 words to summarize my entire internship experience, it would be IMPACTFUL, MEMORABLE and FUN!

I was extremely lucky to be surrounded by young and talented people here; this is where I am motivated to keep learning and become a better me. Everyone here was so helpful and supportive in guiding me. They have never hesitated in teaching me everything that they know. OpenMinds has given me multiple chances to explore and handle various tasks in different teams. The guidance given by each and everyone here allowed me to find my strengths and weaknesses; also pushed me out of my comfort zone. Words can’t express how excited I was waking up daily to start working and learning new things. There was not a day that I didn’t feel like going to the office.

Although it is just a short 3-month internship programme, I had my best time in OpenMinds and never once regretted my choice. I have learnt and grown a lot within this period. It has been a great ride, thank you OpenMinds!

openminds digital marketing intern janice yee
Janice Yee
Digital Team Intern

My internship at OpenMinds was incredible. I had the chance to take part in the early stage of starting up OpenMinds Hong Kong for a month, followed by three months at the headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. I had the opportunity to grow in two different cities and work environment.

The knowledge you can acquire as an intern at OpenMinds is far superior to what you can expect. Your dedication and curiosity will define the things you will achieve here. The team is open to help you and teach you new skills. The work environment at OpenMinds is like a little family. Everyone has the opportunity to grow within their respective teams and also from anyone regardless of their core competencies. The climate is “sharing to become a better team”.

openminds intern jules gaire
Jules Gaire
Digital Team Intern

As a generation that spends most of our time online, we thought we had it in the bag when we first joined OpenMinds™ Resources as interns. How mistaken were we as we realized our knowledge and understanding of how to utilize social media for clients’ marketing efforts was limited.

OpenMinds™ Resources promotes creativity and excellence. We had the opportunity to prepare a marketing idea proposal with actual deadlines and brainstorming sessions. Opinions were also encouraged during our presentation, thus boosting our confidence.

openminds intern chang te sheng
Chang Te Sheng
Digital Team Intern

I was accepted into this internship, most likely on the basis of my Instagram expertise. This was a company that did things in the way you would see in movies, those “cool” companies. It was surreal.

During my time, I had the opportunity of peering in to the effort and passion that went on behind-the-scenes of a seemingly simple Facebook page. Who knew you needed more than just pretty pictures and witty words to grab the attention of your virtual audience?

OpenMinds™ is self-explanatory in the name and does exactly that! I’ve come to not just love social media, but respect it’s sheer capabilities. All I can say is, you’ve spoilt me. How can I ever put myself through a regular 9-5, cubical job now!

openminds intern kylie
Kylie Saw
Digital Team Intern

I first came to OpenMinds Resources with an aim to get over my fear of technology. After completing my internship with the company, I can proudly say that the goal was achieved. As a social media intern, I’ve gained knowledge on how to operate different social media platforms, and I now realise how important social media is in our daily lives.

The one thing that amazed me during my placement was my colleagues. They were not only passionate, innovative and friendly, but also truly supportive and helpful with the tasks that I was not confident in.

If you are looking for a place to grow and discover your capabilities, well it’s only two words. OpenMinds Resources.

openminds intern asim ahmed testimonial
Asim Ahmed
Digital Marketing Intern

My internship here at OpenMinds has been one of the things that I am very grateful for. During my short time here, I have learned so many new skills and values that definitely helped me grow as a person. It was a very eye opening experience, everyone here at OpenMinds is very open on helping one another. The camaraderie built up throughout this internship is something that will stick with me for a long time. Interning here has truly expanded my knowledge as a designer and has helped me build a solid foundation for my future career. Thank you again OpenMinds for this opportunity given, it was truly a journey!

openminds intern crystallyn ersinski testimonial
Crystallyn Ersinski
Creative Team Intern

My experience in OpenMinds was great! I worked with the Social Media team and learned so much, made new friends and had fun. The great thing was that I got to work on the same projects as other team members despite being an intern and I had just right amount of challenges. Various tasks from photography to Facebook analytics developed my personal skills and my creativity.

During my three month stay I gained valuable experience and get to know how social media for business works.

openminds intern oscar fagerudd
Oscar Fageruud
Digital Team Intern

While the highlight of my internship was to develop a marketing programme for an upcoming mobile app, I have to say the internship as a whole was enriching and increased my certainty as to what I’m heading to.

My stay at OpenMinds was really something new and refreshing in both the way the company operates and the state of mind that reigns here. I would recommend this internship programme to anyone looking for a fast growing company in the industry.

openminds intern arthur
Arthur Saget
Digital Team Intern

OpenMinds™ Resources is a growing company, which is great for interns because there are constantly opportunities to try something new. For instance, we were given the chance to follow a photographer to a photoshoot for a client that opened our eyes to view things from a different perspective.

We would describe the whole process in three words: Creativity, flexibility and eye-opening. Our time in the company was shorter than preferred, but it has helped us to grow in certain ways and most of all, it opened up our minds.

openminds intern wan chia sing
Wan Chia Sing
Creative Team Intern

Before I started this internship I knew very little about digital analysis, so throughout this internship, I’ve been given the opportunity to work on various projects, in the beginning, I couldn’t even make sense of all the confusing metrics and the marketing jargon, everything is very new to me, but fortunately, all the team members have been very patient with me, they are always there to guide and answer my doubt whenever I’m stuck.

I’m really grateful for such amazing and supportive team members!

I’ve learned and grown more than I expected for the past 3 months with OpenMinds, this is all thanks to the feedback and guidance that I’ve gotten from the team for giving me all the support I need during my internship. It is through OpenMinds that I have discovered where my strength and weakness lies and that has helped me become a better version of myself!

Thank you OpenMinds, for providing me a memorable yet valuable internship experience that I couldn’t find anywhere else!

openminds intern alexa testimonial
Digital Marketing Intern

Through these three months, I feel very happy and enjoy working as an intern at OpenMinds. The short time I spent at OpenMinds has truly taught me many new things and more impactful experiences. The team here at OpenMinds is really like a family, helping each other and growing together, and also helping me step out of my comfort zone to interact with the team. I believe that this internship experience will have a big impact on my career path in the future. Thank you all for providing me with an opportunity to grow and learn, and also thankful to those who guided me throughout the whole internship. 

openminds intern renita ting
Renita Ting
Graphic Design Intern

During my internship at OpenMinds Resources I was given the opportunity to be involved in various activities/department, which certainly contributed to the development of new skills and qualities, both professionally and personally. The most significant improvements that I have developed during my internship are the ability to work with people, analytical capabilities, planning and organizing skills. Other than that, I have also developed better teamwork skills, conducted effective working meetings, writing skills, ability to critically analyse information and generate new ideas etc.

openminds digital marketing intern esther sim
Esther Sim
Digital Team Intern

I am so grateful to say that OpenMinds Resources allowed me to experiment and explore new business ideas as well. I remember how nervous I was to suggest a multi-social media integration platform to help with OpenMinds Resources’ clients, as well as organizing the brand via social media.

In this process I researched the platform, and used a self-educating approach in learning more about the value of social media, and the analytical tools available for any business. Overall, it truly was a unique and VALUABLE experience and learning opportunity. Thank you OpenMinds for the opportunities you provided me to develop my knowledge of business this past year!

openminds intern chow kay sern
Chow Kay Sern
Digital Team Intern

My internship at OpenMinds was a great experience and a success for me! The atmosphere at OpenMinds encouraged me to learn lots of new things and to gain abilities that I already know I will be using in my future career.

The most valuable skills I obtained during my internship period was to better understand marketing and how a consultancy company works. The OpenMinds team consists of great people and everyone is friendly and helpful. This is a place where you do not have to be afraid of failures and where every idea is worth of hearing.

openminds intern aleksi kaivos
Aleksi Kaivos
Digital Team Intern

Choosing OpenMinds for my internship period was definitely a good choice. The working environment and the people I worked with are something that I’ll miss in the future. I felt like being a part of a family from the day one and we truly had fun and memorable moments during the three months I spent in Malaysia.

I had no prior experience of online or social media marketing and I really learnt a lot during my internship at OpenMinds. Last but not least, I got a chance to meet and get to know some great people who will remain as my friends forever!

openminds intern janne saarinen
Janne Saarinen
Digital Team Intern

Working at OpenMinds/OpenAcademy was certainly a ride for me. There were a lot of stressful moments but somehow I came out much stronger and understanding. I certainly learned a lot and gained plenty of experience that I will cherish in my future journeys.

The overall culture and atmosphere at the office were comfortable as well, as everyone was very welcoming and are always willing to share their own experience and skills. I will definitely miss those random and fun moments that helped eased the work stress and tension temporary. I also thankful for the multiple opportunities that were able to allow me to express my thoughts and opinions, in return, I also gained plenty of insights on not only the business side of things but overall working culture as well.

Thank you once again for providing me with this opportunity to learn and grow as a person and I’m forever grateful to the ones that guided and helped me throughout this journey!

openminds intern miranda testimonial
Miranda Cheong
Creative Team Intern

“It looks sweet!” “Convincing enough.” “Sugar-coated, perhaps?” Those were the few words that crossed my mind when I first viewed the internship page of OpenMinds’ website. I have to say, all the good things that were said are true.

My internship with OpenMinds™ has nothing to do with coffee-making or wiping dust off desks. It was a time of bonding and creating things together; never allowing limits to belittle us.

My works were duly accepted and my voice was heard among the team, I felt like one of them, sometimes forgetting I was even an intern. OpenMinds™ has created a physical space big enough for open discussions and an emotional space that is warmly welcoming. I have definitely gained many valuable gems during this internship and it will forever be a favoured memory of mine.

intern testimonial avatar
Sona Jessica Merlin
Digital Team Intern

As I grew up, I always wanted a job where I could be myself. I told myself that I’d need to get a job with great culture with new learning experiences. As I came to OpenMinds, I found that this is THE place that will help me kickstart my career journey.

Being here and working together with the team was truly a blessing. Truth be told, I had no prior knowledge of social media marketing and very scarce knowledge of design but because of my time here, I’ve managed to pick up these skills.

It has been an honour to be a part of this ever growing team and they’ve given me so much encouragement and support throughout my internship period.

openminds intern cheryl ang
Cheryl Ang
Creative Team Intern

When they say that you will not be treated like an ordinary intern, they really do mean it. Throughout the four months that I have been at OpenMinds™, I have been exposed to the different job scopes. They push you out of your comfort zone, but make sure you know that they are with you every step of the way.

Never in a million years, would I have thought that I could feel so comfortable analysing data since numbers have never been my forte. With that being said, I have never dreaded a day going into the office because I knew that every day I would be learning something new. To sum it up, it was an experience like no other.

I am truly thankful to be given the chance to join OpenMinds™ Resources. I’ve learnt so much,I’ve grown so much and I’ve definitely met some of the most amazing people.

openminds digital marketing intern wong faye kimm
Wong Faye Kimm
Digital Team Intern

My internship here at OpenMinds has been an extraordinary journey and one of the things that I have been very grateful towards. Before joining OpenMinds, I never thought working could be fun, but OpenMinds has definitely made me rethink that. During my short time here, I was given the opportunity to be involved in various projects, which undoubtedly has provided me with the knowledge to develop new skills, both professionally and personally.

I was extremely lucky to be surrounded by a superb team that is always ready to answer any doubts or concerns that I have and never hesitated in sharing their knowledge with me. Aside from that, very rarely would a company listen to interns’ opinions or thoughts, but OpenMinds took every opinion seriously, regardless of position.

I am truly grateful to OpenMinds for providing me with the opportunity to complete my internship here. The knowledge and experience that I acquired here will greatly help me to learn and grow as a person. It was really a valuable journey!

intern testimonial avatar
Marvin Tan
Digital Marketing Intern

My experience in OpenMinds™ as a graphic design intern has been a delightful one. What I enjoy the most is the stress-free working environment.

Throughout my 2 months in OM, I’ve learned the importance of teamwork. Working together as a team helped my performance as I have others to always give me their full support. I admire the spirit of oneness in OM. They showed me the ability to work efficiently as a team. I will definitely take this back to classes when having to deal with group projects. I’ve truly enjoyed my internship in OpenMinds™. 2 months is short but from this short span of time, I’ve gained an experience to be remembered.

openminds intern samantha low
Samantha Low
Creative Team Intern

It sucks when you don’t possess your own vehicle in the Klang Valley, that was already a limiting factor when I was looking for an internship. Moreover, with the long hair that I was growing out I knew I needed to work in a place where it was open to different cultures, business with a dash of freedom. Fortunately, I found OpenMinds. I went in with little to non-existent digital or tech knowledge, and I came out knowing more than what I had hoped for.

I had my doubts; my concerns, lots of questions; but hey, you have to try something ONCE right? I took it and never looked back, coming out with more knowledge and more friends.

intern testimonial avatar
Yi-Jet Wong
Digital Team Intern

If there’s one phrase that I would like to use to describe my internship journey in OpenMinds, it would be “GROWTH.” The first day I joined OM, Jan told me that my growth is determined by how active I am, so don’t hold back. I was encouraged by Jan’s word, and I went all-in during my internship. From the very start, I mentioned to Celine, my team leader, that I would like to try and learn as many kinds of stuff as possible about Digital Marketing. She took that in mind and did not hold back because I’m only an intern. In fact, Celine did provide me with chances to try and learn different things, and I’m very grateful for that!

Aside from the knowledge and experiences I gained from my internship, I’m also very thankful that people in OM are always very willing to share their experiences and skills! OM is not your typical company. Besides their 11 am – 6 pm working hours, OM has the best company culture ever. Before joining, I never imagined that I could actually go up to anyone in this company and get pieces of advice from them as an intern. I might sound like sugar-coating it but trust me; you will never regret joining this company.

Word can’t express how much I appreciate having such a fruitful internship experience. I believe that this internship experience will have a massive impact on my career path in the future. Thank you all once again for providing me an opportunity to grow and learn, and I’m thankful to those who guided me throughout the whole internship. I’m proud that I’m once an OMster.

openminds intern wan nie testimonial
Wan Nie
Digital Marketing Intern

“What is OpenMinds to you?” On my first day, I don’t really have an answer for this question. Perhaps, OpenMinds to me is a digital marketing company. Throughout my three months’ internship program with OpenMinds, the answer for this question is constantly changing. OpenMinds to me is about constant learning, people-oriented culture, positive vibe, fun, creativity and innovation.

I am grateful to meet people who are truly inspired and talented during my internship program. I love the part that everyone in OpenMinds gives genuine feedbacks and advices to each other. It wasn’t stressful to go to office every day at OpenMinds as everyone works as a team and it boosted my self confidence in carrying out a certain task together with the team.

openminds intern sheena kwan testimonial
Sheena Kwan
Digital Marketing Intern

I am glad that I had the privilege to join OpenMinds™ as an intern. It is one of the luckiest things that ever happened to me as I had a lot of opportunities to learn and explore. I worked as a social media intern during the internship period and I learned more than I expected! Guess what? Social media is not just as simple as you think it is!

It’s so powerful and interesting! The team loves listening to new ideas and questions as they believe there are no invalid ideas or questions. Although it was just a three month internship, it has opened my eyes to different experiences such as social media management, content creation, photoshoots for live events / concerts, event planning, and many more!

OpenMinds™ has inspired and changed me in many ways; it has made me a better person and I am very proud to call myself an OMster!

intern testimonial avatar
Michii Tam
Digital Team Intern

Far from the ordinary expectations of an internship experience, OpenMinds Resources provided me the opportunity to meet industry leaders and teachers that guided my progress with intentions beyond a typical day to day job. From the welcoming team to the flexible working hours and unique company culture, the team behind OpenMinds truly believed in creativity and delivering the best quality in projects, encouraging and supporting our genuine curiosity and participation regardless of our positions.

My deepest gratitude to OpenMinds for providing me the opportunities to learn through invaluable insights and experiences within my field of expertise, and yet, growing as a better person outside of the job scope.

openminds intern joe inthavong testimonial
Joe Inthavong
Digital Team Intern

My internship experience at OpenMinds in the Social Media team was very fulfilling. The part where I love most about this company is that I got to ask a lot of questions and all my questions wouldn’t be left unanswered. I am very grateful that I was able to be a part of OpenMinds because I was surrounded with people that are very humble and selfless in guiding me throughout my internship period here.

On top of that, OpenMinds loves and appreciates all their talents by always motivating and believing in them. They encourage and assist us to step out from our comfort zone and to challenge our fears.

intern testimonial avatar
Goh Ee Vonne
Digital Team Intern

If there’s one phrase that I would like to use to describe my internship journey in OpenMinds, it would be “GROWTH.” The first day I joined OM, Jan told me that my growth is determined by how active I am, so don’t hold back. I was encouraged by Jan’s word, and I went all-in during my internship. From the very start, I mentioned to Celine, my team leader, that I would like to try and learn as many kinds of stuff as possible about Digital Marketing. She took that in mind and did not hold back because I’m only an intern. In fact, Celine did provide me with chances to try and learn different things, and I’m very grateful for that!

Aside from the knowledge and experiences I gained from my internship, I’m also very thankful that people in OM are always very willing to share their experiences and skills! OM is not your typical company. Besides their 11 am – 6 pm working hours, OM has the best company culture ever. Before joining, I never imagined that I could actually go up to anyone in this company and get pieces of advice from them as an intern. I might sound like sugar-coating it but trust me; you will never regret joining this company.

Word can’t express how much I appreciate having such a fruitful internship experience. I believe that this internship experience will have a massive impact on my career path in the future. Thank you all once again for providing me an opportunity to grow and learn, and I’m thankful to those who guided me throughout the whole internship. I’m proud that I’m once an OMster.

openminds intern en thong testimonial
En Thong
Digital Marketing Intern

My experience in OpenMinds™ was amazing. I did not expect my internship experience to turn out this way. The people in OpenMinds™ were very friendly and helpful at time of need. The environment of the working space is different and helped me to generate more creative ideas in my work.

Working there expanded my knowledge in web development, which enabled me to develop better web applications in an organized manner. Through the internship programme I was also exposed to Social Media Marketing – something I did not know I could do but with the help of the social media team, I was able to pick it up and learn more about the social media industry.

openminds intern timothy
Timothy Low
Digital Team Intern

We offer you great benefits and perks

Benefits for all confirmed employees of OpenMinds®. These benefits, known as OM Perks, are revised on an annual basis and are both specially and collectively designed by your peers (and you) for all to enjoy and to fuel your growth in the team.

For Your Inner Geek

We believe that technology is one of the most important in fueling your growth. Whether it’s the purchase of a brand new laptop, the latest smart phone or a PS4, the choice is yours!

For Fashionista

First impression matters and it will continue to matter, especially when meeting with clients. If you’ve been saving up to buy that shirt, suit or bag, we are giving you a perk to satisfy your shopping or personal grooming needs.

For The Great Outdoor

Who doesn’t love holidays? We know times can be strenuous and that’s exactly why this allowance is allocated for you to take a trip off-town for a break when you need it.

For Getting Around

Getting around town is time consuming. Not to mention the number of toll plazas, parking and train fees that we all have to go through on a daily basis. We've set aside a perk for your petrol needs to make traveling around town a little more pleasing for you when you are required to meet clients.

For Your Physical Being

You are entitled to claim this monthly perk as a token saying “Get well soon!” from the team and of course, to subsidise your medical bills and for your prescribed medicines.

For An Active Lifestyle

A healthy body makes a healthy mind. A yearly sum is allocated for you to purchase anything that contributes to an active lifestyle! Whether it is a new pair of sports shoes, new gears, racquets or a gym subscription, it’s time to get active!

...and 20 more!

“To maximise joy & value in user experience and accelerate the offline world's transition to the digital economy.”


Job Openings

12 weeks can make a huge difference. If you’re driven by ideas, excited with questions, and ready to make an impact, we want to hear from you!

Join us at as an Account Manager for Constant Contact, where you'll have the opportunity to build lasting client relationships and drive business growth.

Be part of an expanding business development team at OpenMinds®. Assisting in reach out and exploring potential business leads for all services provided by us.

Be part of the ever growing OpenMinds® Digital team! If you got what it takes to write a better introductory for this role, then drop your contact in the form below, now.

As a Digital Marketing Specialist, your primary goal is to drive the growth of brand’s digital presence, enhance brand visibility & brand conversions across various online channels.

Be part of the Corporate Service team at OpenMinds®. Be responsible for the Human Resource and financial welfare of the entire group.

We create bespoke graphic designs which also incorporates into website and app UI / UX. If that piques your interest, drop us your contact in the form below.

Be part of the OpenAcademy team, we are on the look out for a product marketer to strategically promote and position a product in the market, combining market research, consumer insights, and communication strategies to drive awareness, adoption, and sales.

We are constantly in the look out for developers who are have an interest in back- or front- end development work. If you have what it takes, do drop your contact in the form below. You may also attach your previous experience for us to review.