Top Facebook Updates | Quarter 3 of 2018 [Part 1]

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Written by OpenMinds®

It goes without saying that businesses in today’s world require an online presence.  And while many startups and smaller brands may hold off on investing in building a website, they do however rely on Facebook to provide their business with the much needed digital presence.

Seeing that Facebook still ranks as the world’s largest and most popular social platform, it’s a no-brainer that advertisers and businesses would flock to the platform to promote and reach potential customers.

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Credit: statista

As Facebook ads algorithm is ever-changing and evolving, it’s important for advertisers to keep tabs on the changes to minimise unnecessary wastage of budget and time. Hence, we bring you some of the latest and most notable updates of Facebook ads as below.

The ‘New’ Canvas Ads

For those who have not already heard, Facebook Canvas Ads has a new name — Instant Experiences. However, it’s not just the name that is new, the immersive mobile shopping Ads also boast a few new features with its rebranding.>

So what exactly is Instant Experience? According to Facebook, it’s a full-screen, post-click experience which allows brands to bring their products and services to life on mobile, across both Facebook and Instagram.

As opposed to its predecessor, Instant Experience:

  • Has specific ready-made templates for ease of Ad creation
    • Instant Storefront
    • Instant Form
    • Instant Customer Acquisition
    • Instant Storytelling
    • Instant Lookbook
  • Is optimal for mobile viewing
  • Loads 15 times faster than the standard mobile web pages
  • Is able to provide measurable data and insights of your ad performance


How can Instant Experience help your business you ask? Many people might not be aware of this, but Instant Experience actually allows businesses to tell their story without the confines and restriction of the typical News Feeds ads. Meaning to say through Instant Experience, you’ll be able to provide your viewers with a holistic understanding of your brand/products without them ever leaving the platform.

While Instant Experience may be a powerful avenue to get your message out there, many young brands do struggle with the approach and with ad creation. However, the ready-made templates now eliminate that issue and make creating Instant Experiences all that simpler.

Facebook Watch is now Global

It seems like Facebook is all about videos this year! On August 29, 2018 Facebook newsroom announced that Facebook Watch is now available worldwide, allowing people from every corner of the world to discover and explore great videos and have interactions about them. With this move, Facebook has basically taken its video platform to the next level; becoming YouTube’s direct competitor and with it, more social media marketing benefits. 

To further establish its presence in video content, Facebook has released 3 key features to all advertisers:

  • Video Creation Kit: A tool that’s being built into Ads Manager and Page Publishing Tools that translates text and still images to video format.
  • Video cropping: It enables you to get the right aspect ratio within the ad creation process.
  • Simple video creation tools: It allows advertisers to create ads directly from their business Page specifically for mobile.

The simple video creation tool is meant to create an easy yet effective way to churn out attractive video ads that look great on mobile without too much hassle or having to pay for external programs.


There are a few ways Facebook Watch is beneficial to businesses. Firstly, the launch of Watch itself has opened up many new opportunities for creators and businesses to further utilise the site. With the option of video marketing, brands are now able to be further engaged with their audience on Facebook. Before the days of Watch, brands were all previously limited to YouTube, Watch now presents an alternative platform for marketing videos and with the option to advertise through them no less.

Additionally, the new video editing features help businesses of all kinds to easily create video assets to maximise the performance of Facebook ads. This reduces the trouble and hassle of businesses to acquire additional manpower or resources to just put up simple video ad.

If you found this article useful and would like to hear more Facebook updates, do follow us on BFM 89.9 (The Business Station). Updates in this blog can also be heard on the below BFM episode.

And that’s for the first half of the top Facebook Updates in Quarter 3 of this year. Stay tuned for more!

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